Tuesday, 14 April 2020

You are God’s masterpiece!

And your faith can help grow the faith of others.

The Daily Hope Team

The Bible says you are God’s masterpiece. His Word says you are a saint filled with the Holy Spirit, accepted among the beloved in his family. And it says nothing is impossible for you when you place your trust in him.

The Bible also says you are an ambassador, speaking on behalf of Jesus. When you tell others about the Lord, it is as if God is making his appeal through you: “We speak for Christ when we plead, ‘Come back to God!’” 2 Corinthians 5:20 (NLT).

You are living out this truth as your support of Daily Hope helps so many people around the world. And this outreach to others is so critical right now. Thank you for your partnership as we work together to replace fear with facts and faith. God wants to use you to help others through this crisis, and we thank you for walking through this open door to bring a firm hope to people around the globe who are desperately searching for truth and light.

That’s part of being an ambassador for Christ. It’s part of being a saint led by the Holy Spirit. It’s what God wants you to be—an encourager on behalf of Christ. Your faith can help grow the faith of others as you share God’s Word with them.

In order to do that, you need to know God’s Word, which is why I want to send you my 40 Days in the Word study kit. It will teach you how to meditate on God’s Word, memorize Scripture, apply the Bible to every area of your life, and it offers so much more.

40 Days in the Word is my way of thanking you for your gift today to help reach more people with the Good News about Jesus through Daily Hope.

People just like Caitlin, who writes . . .

“Always at the exact moment I need his words, God uses Pastor Rick Warren to answer my questions or provide me the way that will lead me to my answers. I Googled ‘daily devotions’ because I was in desperate search of feeling hope and upliftment. Daily Hope was the first thing on the list, so I clicked. And the moment you began speaking (I’m crying remembering this), everything I just said to myself was the exact message you were speaking on.

You even spoke about praying for one person and thinking who you could help bring to the Lord. I started talking about Daily Hope on Facebook and Instagram because it was so touching that God was working right in front of me!

I said that prayer [about who I could help bring to the Lord], and when I checked a message on my phone, it was a person from high school who I didn’t know very well reaching out to me. She was sharing something with me and my instant response was . . . ‘Listen to Daily Hope right now! This message is for you.’

She and I now listen together daily and will be starting our own small group. God is using you to mend the hearts and souls of two women who would never be connected if it wasn’t for you.”

Together, we’re helping people like Caitlin discover that Jesus loves them and that he has a special and specific plan for their life. I pray that you’ve been encouraged in the same way through Daily Hope, and I want you to know that your gift will help take that blessing even further to bring hope to many others.

So please give today to share the certain hope of Jesus with more people around the world—and get your copy of 40 Days in the Word with my thanks for your generosity.

As you deepen your daily time in God’s Word, you’ll find that what Jesus pours into your own life enables you to pour into others . . . and because Christ is the source, you will never run dry of his love to share!

Let me leave you with this hope-filled promise that we can embrace as we face the coronavirus pandemic: “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged” (Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV).

Pastor Rick
Request 40 Days in the Word now! >>
Pastor Rick

This message was intended for: juonec4dmodels.poster@blogger.com
You were added to the system January 14, 2015.
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